Advance Equipment

Advanced proprietary equipment is a strategic asset for boosting research capabilities.

Standing at the cutting edge of regenerative medicine, advanced proprietary equipment is a valuable asset for enhancing our research and development capabilities. For the regenerative human blood vessel project, regeneVessel, we’ve tackled a series of problems, from automated cell seeding to a smart incubation system. Each step required nonconventional machinery and highly customized instruments. With the help of our solid team of scientists and engineers, we’ve built the Artarrey200 artificial blood vessel culturing array to deliver aseptic and standardized blood vessels.

To improve and replace the costly and cumbersome equipment used for electroporation, Roumai has internally developed our own electroporator to accelerate the process of large-scale gene transfection. With further improvements and a user-friendly UI design, we managed to push our portable electroporation system, CellCoder, towards the market. This leap benefits the scientific community and paves the way for us to miniaturize further towards an implantable pulse generator.

The advanced equipment serves as a solid foothold for bridging the laboratory and the market; meanwhile, they represent the milestones we achieved while tackling the challenges of regenerative medicine development.