Self-modeling vascular implant
that develops into a living vessel

ROUMAI is at the forefront of regenerative medicine.
RegeneVessel is an off-the-shelf, tissue-engineered blood vessel that can potentially revolutionize the treatment of various vascular diseases, including coronary artery disease, peripheral arterial disease, and arteriovenous access for hemodialysis.


The RegeneVessel is manufactured using tissue-engineering technics. Based on Roumai's technology platforms, we are able to tailor the culturing environments to mimick the actual circulation system.  This enables us to culture vessels with smallwer diameter while keeping a evenly distributed tissue development.

The RegenVessel was cultured in an in-vitro fashion, critical parameters like pH, temperature, pressure, mechanical stimulations etc. are strictly monitored and regulated. This allows us to guarentee the uniformity of the tissue development and always keeps the quality in check.

The tubular tissue is decellularized and packaged under sterilized environment to ensure the sterility of the device. These procedures not only allow the vessel to be universally applied to patients in need, but also be stored under 4 degrees for a shelftime of 48 months.

After implanted, the densed extracellular matrix in RegeneVessel accomodates patient's own cells to infiiltrate and form vascular tissues, while maintaining the blood stream. Three weeks after the surgery, the graft will be fully developed into a living blood vessel.

Revolutionary Treatment

No need of

No need of
second surgery


Flexible and



Three-layer Vessel Structure

The three-layer structure (endothelial layer, smooth muscle cell layer and fibroblast layer) is highly important for the blood vessel to maintain its hemodynamic and mechanical properties. In traditional synthetic blood vessels, endothelization happens unevenly inside the lumen of the graft on top of ePTFE. This becomes a source of intimal hyperplasia which affect the patency in long term.
RegeneVessel allows cells to infiltrate into the graft, the meshy nature of the graft enables an evenly distributed endothelization which prevents hyperplasia and vastly increases the patency.

How We Make It:

1. Cell Seeding

Different types of cells are produce for each of the blood vessel cell layers. Cells are seeded into Biodegradable Scaffold which then is rolled-up to form a perfect cilinder-like structure.

2. Vessel Growth

Cells start to consume and colonise the scaffold forming each bood vessel layer. Everything occurs under controlled incubation.

3. Decellularization

Once a fully formed blood vessel is created, cells are removed leaving just the extracellular matrix.

4. Implant

The result is a fully functional tissue engineered Blood Vessel made up of extracellular matrix ready to be implanted anywhere in the body of the patient without rejection.